Our baby leaf salads star in Evoluzione Terra

We presented OP Isola Verde and our philosophy in the programme Evoluzione Terra broadcast on Rai Uno. That is what we talked about.

For thirty years we have been committed to producing quality Italian baby leaf salads and we did not falter when we were given the opportunity to present our work to Beppe Convertini, creator and presenter of the programme Evoluzione Terra, broadcast on Sunday mornings at 10.25 on Rai Uno.

Beppe arrived at our Telgate facility driving his blue tractor and we had a great chat about the world of agriculture in general, how it has changed over the years and how we were able to switch from being a small farm with a greenhouse of just half a hectare of greenhouse for the  production of baby leaf salads, to become an Organisation of Farming Producers which includes over 230 hectares of cultivated greenhouses.

This meeting gave us the opportunity to talk about the daily commitment of our employees and the role of women in agriculture, a role that often goes unnoticed, but which has always been fundamental to the development of the sector. In addition, Eleonora Grado, our Quality Assurance Manager, presented one of our soil preparation techniques to Beppe Convertini and all the televisions viewers, conveying the level of care and attention to detail that characterises every processing cycle.

The processing techniques have changed since we started to produce baby lettuce, lamb’s lettuce, baby spinach or the other baby leaf salads, and have switched from mainly manual work to mechanised work, but at OP Isola Verde we believe that only human intervention can guarantee superior standard products, and that is why we are still promoting sustainable agriculture where quality is our primary objective.

Did you miss the episode of Evoluzione Terra broadcast on Sunday, 16 January 2022 on Rai Uno?