The organic BIO baby leaf salad production process

Organic BIO baby leaf salads go above and beyond salads grown using integrated agriculture. Find out why and how they are produced.

Producing BIO baby leaf salads means adopting the strictest control standards to ensure a sustainable and eco-friendly process at every stage of our work.

OP Isola Verde has an outstanding 110 hectares cultivated according to organic farming regulations, where we produce baby leaf salads certified as a product of superior quality also thanks to the attention we focus on all phases, from the choice of the seeds to the packaging stages. Further details of the baby leaf salad production process that is certified for “organic production” can be seen below.

Varietal selection

Organic production starts with the varietal selection, thanks to which we identify the most durable baby leaf salads.

By doing so, baby leaf salads have a better chance of growing strong and healthy without the intervention of industrial methods for the removal of pests or to boost their growth.

Preparation of the soil

We pay utmost attention when preparing the greenhouses where we grow our organic BIO baby leaf salads, to respect the natural ecosystem of the soil and its microbial biodiversity.

In addition, we also use natural fertilisers so that its molecular structure is suitable for the growth of healthy baby leaf salads which are rich in vitamins and minerals.


During the cultivation phases, we monitor the natural growth of the baby leaf salads and intervene meticulously to remove any pests or uprooting production lots that do not meet our quality standards, all in an eco-friendly manner.

Harvesting and packaging

In order to avoid contamination during the harvesting phases between organic BIO baby leaf salads and integrated production baby leaf salads, we use machinery that is solely dedicated to organic farming activities and we take great care not to mix the two types of products.

Also during the production phases, where we control and package the baby leaf salad lots, we put in place appropriate measures to manage organic production and integrated production separately.

Furthermore, in the case of baby leaf salads packed in crates, we use different colours to indicate organic lots so that they do not get mixed up with those from the rest of the production.

Discover the varieties of organic BIO baby leaf salads we can supply.