Lamb’s lettuce

The baby leaf lamb’s lettuce grown in our greenhouses is a typical winter salad, but it can be harvested all year round thanks to the attention that our farmers pay to the preparation of the soil and the control of greenhouse temperatures.

La baby leaf valerianella coltivata in serra, è un’insalatina tipicamente invernale, ma può essere raccolta durante tutto l’anno grazie all’attenzione che i nostri coltivatori pongono alla preparazione del terreno e al controllo delle temperature in serra.

Lamb’s lettuce

La baby leaf valerianella coltivata in serra, è un’insalatina tipicamente invernale, ma può essere raccolta durante tutto l’anno grazie all’attenzione che i nostri coltivatori pongono alla preparazione del terreno e al controllo delle temperature in serra.

The baby leaf lamb’s lettuce grown in our greenhouses is a typical winter salad, but it can be harvested all year round thanks to the attention that our farmers pay to the preparation of the soil and the control of greenhouse temperatures.


The baby leaf lamb’s lettuce undergoes a washing and drying process according to the dewatering method. It is delivered in crates, bags or trays and is ready to eat.



Please contact us for any information you my require regarding the production of baby leaf salads and current availability.


    Please contact us for any information you my require regarding the production of baby leaf salads and current availability.