Baby Spinach
Baby spinach is the baby leaf version of adult spinach. It shares the dark colour of the adult salad, but its leaves are more tender and have a more delicate taste, making it excellent to serve raw as a side dish.
Baby spinach is the baby leaf version of adult spinach. It shares the dark colour of the adult salad, but its leaves are more tender and have a more delicate taste, making it excellent to serve raw as a side dish.
The baby spinach grown in our greenhouses is harvested and processed as a first range baby leaf salad and supplied bulk in crates, or packaged in trays and bags that can be customised with logos and lettering.
Trust only safe and genuine salads!
Please contact us for any information you my require regarding the production of baby leaf salads and current availability.
Please contact us for any information you my require regarding the production of baby leaf salads and current availability.